Words Worth Writing

One of the things that have always held me back from taking any form of blogging or vlogging seriously is the idea that my thoughts had to be “worth” writing down. I held myself to the standard that if it wasn’t going to add value to anyone’s life, then there was no point putting it out there. I didn’t like the idea of writing thoughts just because they were… there.

This, however, got in the way of actually developing my writing. The problem with waiting for something to be “worthy” is that, since I am my worst critic, nothing was ever good enough. Or as this blog has shown, I’d have one entry every year or so that I would deem worthy to be shared.

So, late as it may seem, I’d like to get back to my childhood habit of writing thoughts down. And hopefully in the process I end up sharing something that one person would find helpful or, at the very least, entertaining.

With that being said, here is my honest thought of the day: I do not want an ordinary life.

I am of the firm belief that an ordinary life is also an important, special, beautiful life. And on the days when I feel hopeless, I find comfort in that. I find ease in the soft life, a life that isn’t rushed or overflowing with activity.

However, in deep honesty, I feel like I have so much to give to the world and there is so much of it I want to have. It doesn’t have to be a life of luxury, or a life of renown. But I want a life that affects others, a life that moves the needle in some shape or form, a life that the people around me would be devastated to lose. This feeling is rooted in the belief that God created me for a purpose, and that I am not ephemeral, and that there really is something I have yet to begin.

Perhaps the first step is saying that out loud and not being ashamed of it. I want a big life. I pray that I would be worthy.